Minecraft Resources

This page will provide you resources for all things Minecraft. Select the edition of Minecraft you are working with:

Education Edition

How To Use Code

To use this code you can copy it from here, paste it into the javascript code editor and then change it back to blocks

What is Education Edition?

Minecraft: Education Edition is a specialized version of the game designed for schools and educators. It integrates classroom-friendly features like lesson plans, coding exercises, and assessment tools. This version helps teach subjects like math, science, history, and even teamwork through engaging, interactive gameplay. Education Edition also includes exclusive items and commands tailored for teaching, making it a popular choice for learning environments.

Survival Pack Challenge


Can you create a set of commands and scripts that can be used as a survival mod to Minecraft? Your tasked with making scripts that will change the survival Minecraft game play. Are you going to make it so that you can become a super hero? What about advanced mining abilities? Can you make your agent build contraptions for you? Time to get coding!

Maze Challenge


What type of mazes will stump our agent friend? After stumping him can you write code that would tackle the problem?

Maze Code

Simple script to navigate basic mazes that have walls or are a one deep trench. Maze end needs gold block on ground to stop code. Also includes functions to position agent:

  • rt - right turn
  • lt - left turn
  • fd - forward 1 block
player.onChat("rt", function () { agent.turn(RIGHT_TURN) }) player.onChat("lt", function () { agent.turn(LEFT_TURN) }) player.onChat("fd", function () { agent.move(FORWARD, 1) }) player.onChat("maze", function () { while (agent.inspect(AgentInspection.Block, DOWN) != GOLD_BLOCK) { if (!(agent.detect(AgentDetection.Block, LEFT))) { agent.turn(LEFT_TURN) agent.move(FORWARD, 1) } else if (!(agent.detect(AgentDetection.Block, FORWARD))) { agent.move(FORWARD, 1) } else if (!(agent.detect(AgentDetection.Block, RIGHT))) { agent.turn(RIGHT_TURN) agent.move(FORWARD, 1) } else { agent.turn(LEFT_TURN) agent.turn(LEFT_TURN) agent.move(FORWARD, 1) } } })

Castle Siege Activity


Using the world download and the provided script can you prepare for a zombie siege against the castle? You can only build on the bedrock area and can't make any changes to the castle structure. Setting up traps, using redstone, and creating a chest of goodies are all great ways to get ready.


  1. Download World
  2. Double Click to Open in Minecraft EDU
  3. Once world has loaded press 'c' on the keyboard to open the code window
  4. If prompted select the MakeCode option
  5. Click the Green Plus Icon to start a new code project, ensure javascript is an option
  6. Paste the code below into the MakeCode javascript editor
  7. If desired you can change it back to the Block editor
  8. Click the green play button


Running the chat command 'pause' will change the game to peaceful kill all entities allowing you to prepare for the battle. A spawner is placed to show you where the zombies will be coming from.

Running the chat command 'attack' will start the siege! This will teleport you to the castle and switch you to survival and start spawning zombies.

Challenge #01

After surviving your first attack can you modify the attack script to make it more challenging, maybe even add in waves of attacks?

Challenge #02

Can you automate these functions so that they are executed when using an item in the world? What else could we add to make this code more interesting to run?

player.onChat("pause", function () { gameplay.title(mobs.target(NEAREST_PLAYER), "PAUSE MODE", "") player.teleport(world(13, 64, 70)) mobs.clearEffect(mobs.target(LOCAL_PLAYER)) gameplay.timeSet(gameplay.time(DAY)) gameplay.setWeather(CLEAR) gameplay.setDifficulty(PEACEFUL) gameplay.setGameMode( CREATIVE, mobs.target(LOCAL_PLAYER) ) mobs.kill( mobs.target(ALL_ENTITIES) ) blocks.place(MONSTER_SPAWNER, world(12, 64, 96)) }) player.onChat("attack", function () { blocks.place(AIR, world(12, 64, 96)) gameplay.title(mobs.target(NEAREST_PLAYER), "ATTACK MODE", "") player.teleport(world(13, 64, 70)) gameplay.timeSet(gameplay.time(NIGHT)) gameplay.setWeather(CLEAR) gameplay.setDifficulty(HARD) gameplay.setGameMode( SURVIVAL, mobs.target(LOCAL_PLAYER) ) for (let index = 0; index < 25; index++) { mobs.spawn(mobs.monster(ZOMBIE), world(12, 64, 96)) } })